Friday, November 29, 2019

Key Legislation Codes of Practice Gscc Essay Example

Key Legislation Codes of Practice Gscc Essay The importance of inclusive practice, in promoting equality and supporting diversity. Inclusion is the opposite of discrimination, by promoting inclusion we are supporting equality and diversity and challenging discrimination. Being able to accept and understand each other’s culture, race and religion is vital to successful social integration and a productive working environment. Equality means all people have the same value. I believe we shouldn’t treat people the same way. We need to recognise that people are individual’s and each individual has different needs. Promotion of equality means promoting equal opportunities for the service user. As professionals we need to put the service user centre to any situation they may find themselves in. For the importance of equality to take place within a health and social care setting we need to show an understanding of the concepts. These include tolerance, care values, Morals and rights, disadvantage. Within hospitals residential care homes and day care homes the concept of tolerance is one of the most important concepts which must be followed. Many different people are from different backgrounds and beliefs. As individuals we may not share the same beliefs or traditions as them. We do however need to act in a professional manner at all times. We must adhere to another person’s beliefs and respect their right to hold that belief or follow their tradition. With this said, we cannot allow our own beliefs to impact there’s and approach any situation with an open mind as there is two sides to each view or belief. Care values are the human rights of an individual (service user) I clarify this as; each person has the right to dignity, privacy and is shown respect. We will write a custom essay sample on Key Legislation Codes of Practice Gscc specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Key Legislation Codes of Practice Gscc specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Key Legislation Codes of Practice Gscc specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer To be treated equal as an individual, allowing them to communicate in their own method, protected from harm and cared for in a way that meets their own needs and choices. Each of us is entitled to basic human rights. Researching the human rights act 2000, some of the privileges are the right to life, respect for private and family life, freedom of thought/religion, freedom of expression and an important one is prohibition of discrimination. Without promoting equality of moral rights, the service user is not being treated as an individual within their own rights. As a health care assistant based in a hospital, I witness patients from different backgrounds that have their own cultures and beliefs. This is why health care professionals must promote moral rights of an individual so the patient feels respected. Being treated as an individual will eradicate them feeling worthless and diminish the thought of being treated the same as the patient in the next bed to them. Each of us must demonstrate diversity in practice and understand we are different in some way. An example of being diverse in a health and social care setting; a blind person will need signs, notices, menus in braille where as a deaf patient will not need those aids but instead have the use of hearing aids or sign language. Using single assessments on service users, diversity can be achieved and they will feel more valued. Key legislation laws, codes of practice in relation to diversity, equality, inclusion, discrimination within health and social care. The CQC (Care Quality Commission) is the main regulator for health and social care and this took place in April 2009. Their aim is to implement equality and human rights into day-to day duties. The main purpose is to offer better care have people’s rights protected, and are able to exercise choice and control. Their priority is to ensure care is centred on service user’s needs and protects their human rights. The CQC act efficiently in times of identified poor quality care and regulate high quality care in partnership. The legal duties of the CQC have a requirement to publish equality schemes set out in; †¢ The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 †¢ The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 †¢ The Equality Act 2006. These are to ensure that the public sector promotes equality and diversity and eliminates discrimination. The CQC are also covered by wider equality legislation under the human rights act 1998. In conjunction with the CQC there was a new act introduced in October 2010 known as ‘The Equality Act 2010’ this replaces previous acts such as the disability discrimination act 1995 and race relations act 1976. In addition part of the act known as the PSED ‘Public Sector Equality Duty’ came into force April 2011. The act strengthens and adds to previous legislation such as race and disability. Their main focus is to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation. It wants to focus on equality of opportunity and enhance better relations. In terms of codes of practice there are guidelines set up for both the social work employers and employees. They are known under the GSCC (General Social Care Council) The GSCC was set up to regulate the social work profession ensuring only those individuals who are trained at a high degree and committed to high standards only practise in adult social care. The GSCC values diversity and enhances equality through their work. They strive to treat everyone with the dignity and respect they deserve. GSCC have set up codes of practice to ensure social care workers recognise what is expected from them and that service users and public members have an understanding of what quality care they should receive. This policy is intended to form part of legislation, practice standards and employers’ standards and procedures. Each of us as social care workers must ensure that we follow these codes and not let them fall below the standards set out. We must not let any act or omission harm those of our service users. There are six fundamental codes of practice established by the GSCC and I have included them below. See Appendix 1. 1. Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users/carers. 2. Establish and maintain the trust of service users and its carers. 3. Promote the independence of our service users, whilst protecting them from danger or harm 4. Respect the rights of service users and ensure their behaviours or actions do not harm themselves or others 5. Uphold public trust and confidence in social services. 6. Be accountable for the quality of my work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving our qualities and skills.

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